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All of our dogs are bred specifically from high drive, excellent health, German working lines. Our training program is intended to bring out the very best in each dog, allowing it to reach it's individual potential. Not all dogs have the natural drive and ability to perfrom all tasks at the level of excellence necessary to be a Police, Search and Rescue, or Executive Protection dog, or perform a Schutzhund 3 routine in the V Rated (excellent) scoring range. Our goal is to allow each dog to reach it's full potential, while being aware of any limitations it may have as it pertains to a certain task of situation. We ensure the dog remains engaged and is having fun while training, minimizing and compulsion or physical corrections as the dog progresses. All of our dogs are trained out of thier natural drives, we do not encourage or elicit agressive or defensive behavior from the dog while training as our belief is the dogs innate play and prey drives are sufficeint to train and allow the dog to perform at it's best. 

38 Boutwell St
Wilmington, MA 01887

Tel: 617-778-8939


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